I had a quick visit to Haydn's Pool this Sunday as it's been a couple of weeks since my last visit.
It was a beautiful sunny afternoon without a cloud in the sky.
As I reached the short climb up to Haydn's Pool I was surprised to see this empty information board.
It is usually full of leaflets and info about the local wildlife and the Sand Martin bank.
As I climbed the steps up to the hide I was expecting the worst.
Haydn's Pool has really suffered this year and the lack of rainfall had really taken it's toll.
The images below was taken just a few weeks ago.
The images below was taken just a few weeks ago.
It was a sorry sight.
Haydn's Pool had become Haydn's Puddle.
I almost cheered out loud and danced with delight at the scene that greeted me.
This pile of gravel and tyres I saw a while ago have been transformed into...
...this lovely new island.
In just a couple of weeks the local wildlife were really enjoying it.
Isn't nature (with a little help) amazing.
I hope to see some wonderful birds during the coming months.
To see more beautiful birds click on the image below to view
World Bird Wednesday LI

Haydn's Pool had become Haydn's Puddle.
I almost cheered out loud and danced with delight at the scene that greeted me.
The water levels have been restored as promised by the local Rangers.by pumping water up from Witton Brook.
...this lovely new island.
In just a couple of weeks the local wildlife were really enjoying it.
Isn't nature (with a little help) amazing.
It's a lovely little place... just off the beaten track where I can sit for hours and watch wildlife doing what wildlife does with little distraction.
My little heaven on earth has been restored to it's former glory.
So much so that when I looked at my watch I realised I had been here for over two hours.
To see more beautiful birds click on the image below to view
World Bird Wednesday LI

The sun in that last picture looks a star! sandie
Hey that's great Andrew!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
Andrew, this is great news!
i'm glad for you and the wildlife that rely on the water there. :)
It is a wonderful transformation. This has lifted my spirits.
The last shot is a little gem.
That's wonderful news, Andrew.. Nature has been restored!
Great, the pool is brought from the dead, it really is good news. Fabulous photos.
Andrew, that's an excellent ending to what looked like being a disastrous story earlier in the year.
Here's hoping the wildlife soon returns and you get some great pictures...[;o)
I am so glad for you Andrew. I remember well how it felt when all our dams went dry and there was nowhere for the birds, turtles and our native fresh-water crayfish.
Lovely to see the pool hosting all those birds..
What a day hamn :)
This is fantastic and the photos are lovely!
So glad it has been restored and all the critters have their home back! And new ones to come!
It's amazing the difference a bit of water can make. Glad to see the pool back to its best and that the wildlife is starting to move back in.
My friend,
I hope I can visit this place with you soon :)
A fantastic transformation Andrew.
I'm sur it will be very busy during the coming months.
empty board, empty pool. Is there a connection? It is sad.
It's really good that the water has been returned to such a beautiful place. Your photos showing the transformation with the water are great.
Wonderful turn of events! looking forward to seeing what you find up there!
HI Andrew...I am so delighted for you that this spot you so muchly enjoyed is back and better than ever!!
Hopfully the colder weather will give it a chance to keep the water high !!
Your last photo is fantastic of the Heron!!
I am happy for the restoration of this beautiful area! It's one of those moments when you know life is good. Great photos! Love the golden tree, also the grey heron.
I'm so happy for you Andrew, and for all the wildlife. Beautiful photos!
Beautiful scenery and a great heron photo, Andrew!
Great news Andrew! Amazing what a little water will do for your mood. The little island looks like it worked out very well indeed, the birds sure seem to approve. The heron capture is exquisite!
What a wonderful sight, so happy for you and the wildlife, and I'm looking forward to the wonderful shots you are going to share! That heron is magnificent!
It doesn't take long for birds to discover a restored habitat (or a freshly filled feeder).
I am so glad to see this Andrew! I remember reading the last post on this spot and to see the transformation is heart warming. I can hear the excitement in your voice as well.
The heron photo is super. I always get a kick out of seeing a heron up in a tree like this.
nice to see the transformation after some rains; and I loved the grey heron.
I'm glad they got some water back in the pool. It looks like the critters enjoyed it also.
Wonderful to see such a transformation! Great shots.
The Heron shot is amazing!
Great news about the pond! Love the shot of the heron in the tree!
So good to see a happy ending to this ongoing dilemma. Looks like the wildlife have come back quickly. A much nicer scene than your previous visit to Haydn's Pool.
Beautiful photos!
Seems that we have more in common then I imagined.
How wonderful for you and for all the wildlife. Wonderful pictures. I look forward to seeing much more.
i love a happy ending. AWESOME last photo!!
Enjoyed your story...and the images. How wonderful for the birds that have already started to come...The last shot is stunning!!
Some lakes and rivers are still in critical condition in the North of France and Brittany, nobody pumps water into them... This is a gorgeous set of photos, I'm trying to imagine the sounds and smells!
Great pictures Andrew.We've enough water up here in Galloway if you want to pipe some down.
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