Sunday 23 October 2011

Tatton Park...................... a wonderful day out... so much to see and do

For the past couple of weekends I drove a short distance west from home to visit Delamere Forest.
 I set off this morning in the opposite direction to visit Tatton Park to watch the Red Deer Rut.
I saw plenty of Red Deer unfortunately no fighting stags... the hierarchy looks to be in place.
A few images of my day.
Red Deer Stag... this fella was really in charge of his hinds...a herd of over forty.
Tatton Park is one of the UK's most complete historic estates.
It has over 1000 acres of Deer Park....and there are also over 50 acres of manicured gardens to visit.
The mansion house.. erected in the 19th Century.
As you enter the stable yard a lot has changed over the years.
Theres fun for the kid's on this lovely old carousel.
 This years harvest makes a lovely display.
Tatton has a walled garden selling produce and a rare breed farm on the estate.
All accessible to visitors.

The Italian Garden sits in front of the house.. it.has wonderful views over the local countryside.

The Japanese Garden.
There is so much to see and do at Tatton Patk.
 I have some video to sort out and I will spend the dark nights of the coming week to editing.


  1. So how far is this beautiful place from your home. It is gorgeous. Sandie

  2. A beautiful Stag and the two old musicians are tremendous.

  3. LOVE the gorgeous stag! obviously his ladies do too!

  4. What a lovely place to visit, and that stag is awesome!

  5. I'd be going to Tatton Park as much as I could. What a neat place. That Red Deer is impressive. Our Mule Deer pale in comparison.

  6. Awesome shot of the stag, he is a beauty! Tatton Park looks like a wonderful place to visit, great photos.

  7. Beautiful deer,he kinda looks like our elk,beautiful scenery,phyllis

  8. My words are not elegant and beautiful to describe the feeling when seeing such wonders, so magical......

  9. Andrew, that big fella looks every bit like the boss man!

    Looks like a great place to visit, maybe one day when I'm up that way...[;o)

  10. So many beautiful photos, old carousel is beautiful and the Japanese and Italian gardens ... great!

  11. Such a handsome stag! Looks like a fun place to explore!

  12. Reading backwards -- or maybe I should say I'm taking this walk backwards -- it's just as beautiful this way. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I love the picture of the stag!
