Thursday, 27 October 2011

Tatton Park Cheshire................................... and it's wonderful Red Deer

The Neo-Classical Mansion from the Deer Park.

The weather last Sunday was dull but dry.
The reason I visited Tatton Park last weekend was to see and hopefully film the Red Deer rut.
It turned out to be a wonderful day out with plenty of time for a visit to the formal gardens.
The stags and hinds live in seperate herds except during the rutting season in the autumn when mating takes place...and this was what I wanted to see.

 Red Deer are the largest mammals seen in the UK
When a stags antlers have 12 or more points (or hines) he is known as a Royal Stag.
This occurs when they are about six years old.
I witnessed the deer mating... it's very quick.... in fact very very quick.
The nearest thing to a fight was seeing a young stag all pumped up for love easily chased off by a  quick charge by this big fella... so no antler clashing action for me to witness.
The defeated stag sulked on a nearby hillock looking back and dreaming of future success.
"Just give me year I will be bigger and stronger"
The young stags stay close to the herds... watching the proceedings from a safe distance.

A video of the Red Deer at Tatton Park.

Sky Watch Friday.
Please scroll down to view the last couple of posts to see more images of my day.


TexWisGirl said...

the stags are really beautiful! that rack! thanks for explaining 'royal stag'. have heard that term in english movies, but didn't know why they were termed that.

Bob Bushell said...

They are awesome, my favourites are no.2 and the last one, superb. I also like the video, the bit where he walked licking his lips.

Anonymous said...

They are wonderful animals. Great photos. You are fortunate to have such a photographic resource nearby. The video is even more impressive. I continue to learn form you. Did you receive the e-mail I sent about how to eliminate the Youtube promos?

Fábio Martins said...

I like very much the second image!

Chatty Crone said...

That one stag - you can tell - was a wee bit frustrated. Men. sandie

grammie g said...

Hi Andrew..Wow that's a big fellar..great photos,but I really like the video just seeing them all in action...well not all the action..Whew!! lol ; }

Grace..thanks for the hug!

Inger-M said...

That stag is awesome, so proud and beautiful. Wonderful shots!

Unknown said...

Fantastic shots of these beautiful animals! great post - thank you!

ADRIAN said...

A grand video..........Beautiful shots and wonderful beasts.

Read and Buy said...

wow!!! lovely pics... just loved the way you captured these images..

The Glebe Blog said...

Great pictures and a lovely animal to watch.They're a big attraction up here in the Galloway Forest Park too.


Are there any measures taken to get yourself out of control of the stags? Their antlers look dangerous and bear strong antipersonnel force, while they look handsome indeed

The Herald said...

Great set of images and an excellent video of the Red Deer rut Andrew. They really are magnificent beasts...[;o)

Indrani said...

Wow! You got exceptionally good shots.

Jeannelle said...

Great nature video! Happy skywatching!

Tanya Breese said...

what a great set of pictures!

Pantherka said...

Incredibly beautiful pictures, very well done.

Unknown said...

Fantastic post Andrew!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Louisette said...

Wonderfull fotos in blog and video, best regard from Belgim

cieldequimper said...


Unknown said...

Amazing deer shots! Truly beautiful.

Haddock said...

Great pictures.
I have heard stories about the antlers getting caught up in unusual places and the foresters help them to get released. What about the unlucky ones in the wild?