Friday 21 October 2011

Northwich's Hotel on the River Weaver..................................The Floatel

My home town Northwich until recently had the only floating hotel in the UK.
Built in 1989 the Floatel had 60 bedrooms plus conference facilities and catered for weddings etc.
It was refurbished in 2000...
...but even then time had started to run out fot the UKs only floating hotel.
These rooms looked out over the car park and a Car Dealers...
... you could see the river if you looked over the balcony.

This image is taken from the same place... a sad sight.
The Floatel finally closed it's doors in January 2009... and once abandoned it became an eyesore.
British Waterways started to demolish it in November that same year.
It was a unique place to stay and did have some local support for saving it... falling on deaf ears.
It started to look a sorry sight and as it was so prominent (right in the town centre) it had to go.
The pontoons it sat on are still there as a reminder  (to me any way) of it's presence
A pleasure boat on the River Weaver alongside the derelict Floatel.
While searching the net to confirm dates etc I came across a lovely tale of the Floatels Christmas Tree.
It was saved from loft space above room 225 by an ex employee who remembered where it was just before the demolishion started and asked if she could have it.
It's a nice story and will be shared this Xmas... after all it's part of my little towns history.


  1. an interesting structure, for sure.

  2. Shame its not working any more, brilliant photos.

  3. I've never seen a floating hotel before that would have been a great place to stay at and visit! sandie

  4. So sad to see . . . but I'm interested in seeing that Christmas Tree. And your photos are awesome - so clear - great reflection on the last one.

  5. A sad story, it's sad when a business can't make a go of it and has to close down. People lose their jobs, and the buildings often turn into eyesores, like here.
    Your photos are brilliant though, and some very nice reflections there!

  6. Funny it didn't take!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  7. Kind of a neat idea to have a floating hotel. Too bad they couldn't make a go of it. Nice post, really interesting.

  8. I remember this place.....a beautiful Dutch barge.

  9. Awww....Too bad floating hotel idea went kaput.
    Joyce M

  10. Everything is comming to its end. Sad but when the things are not functioning any more, they die - just as us.

  11. A hotel on the water. Fantastic!

  12. How I wish it could have been saved...

  13. Beautiful photos. It's a shame the hotel on the river looked very beautiful.
