Monday, 31 October 2011

Determined to share the tasty stuff................................. my little Robin

My garden Robin was watching all the Blue and Great Tits enjoying the suet cake in this feeder.
He decided enough was enough and had to have a go himself.
The other garden birds all hang on to the feeder and take their time enjoying their feed.
The Robin just sat below the feeder and launched himself upwards grabbing what he could...
 ...and landing to eat it.
...before having another go.
 I captured these pictures through my window so the images aren't the best.
  he does deserve a round of applause for his efforts.
It was lovely to watch.
To see more wonderful birds click on the image below to visit.
World Bird Wednesday L

Please scroll down to view my posts about Tatton Park and it's wonderful Deer Park.


ADRIAN said...

Great shots.........daft bird.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful captures. I like that first one especially.

TexWisGirl said...

he is a beauty and you captured his antics well. :)

jeanlivingsimple said...

Great action shots Andrew!
It is cool to see the English Robin. Other than the red breast it is so different from our American Robin. Hugs!

The Herald said...

Great sequence Andrew.

It must be 'what Robins do' as on a couple of occasions I've seen my 'resident' doing the same thing on the fat ball feeder!...[;o)

Bob Bushell said...

Clap, clap, clap.

joo said...

It is lovely to watch, such a sweet little bird!

Unknown said...

Great timing! What lovely pics.

Fábio Martins said...

My favorite picture is the first photo

Unknown said...

He sure does!! What a valiant little guy!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

mick said...

What determination. Great photos to capture the whole thing.

Chronicles of Illusions said...

Oh my - these are wonderful - really wonderful shot

eileeninmd said...

Great captures of the robin! They are beautiful birds.

NatureFootstep said...

It does not matter if the shots are not "perfect" They are adorable. And I am glad he got his share. If it is a he of course.

Pantherka said...

Perfect shots!

Adam Tilt said...

Amazing how different birds adapt to using feeders. Watching a Magpie trying to use one of ours was hilarious. Great photos.

Unknown said...

So funny! but great captures!

Debbie said...

i have enjoyed this scene so many times. everyone always wants a taste of the suet!!!!

i take a lot of pictures through the window it actually provides great opportunities for wonderful close ups!!

i really enjoyed these!!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Beautiful in-flight captures, a joy to watch.

Springman said...

These are excellent small bird in flight photos. The hardest shot in all of photography hands down. Great job!

Anonymous said...

It's great to observe the differences in birds - like the robin not sitting at the feeder!

Stewart M said...

Hi there - where there's a will, there's a way!

Cheers - Stewart M - Australia

Arija said...

Delightful flight shots of your inventive robin. I wonder if he training to become a hummingbird.
I could look at those photos again and again and again, what a mesmerising experience.

CameraCruise said...

Great shots of a beautiful bird,
the Robin is one of my favorite birds.

LeenaH said...

Small bird`s heart beats fast but I think also those wings have beaten quickly, so these photos are fine to look at!
Are robins always behaving like this one? We do not have robins during a feeder time, we put feeders when frosts and snow have come.
Wonderful photos!

Pat said...

Lovely little Robin - and very determined!

Tracey Leeder said...

Beautiful, what a fun series!

holdingmoments said...

They're quite ingenious at times.
Well caught Andrew.

Chatty Crone said...

Okay - I see that you called it a Robin - our Robins here don't look like that at all.

I have to say it is beautiful and you have gotten some great pics.

Thanks for the shots.


lis said...

Adoro blogs de fotografias.
Vim dar uma olhadinha e achei muito lindo a série do pássaro cuidando do que é seu!
deixo abraços

Scriptor Senex said...

I've just found your blog - thanks to Oakland Daily Photo in the USA. It takes someone thousands of miles away to let me know about a blogger just across the county!

Cool Math Games for Kids said...

Beautiful bird and excellent photography!!

Pat Ulrich said...

such a lovely bird -- cool shots of it feeding!

Larry said...

Cool shots Andrew! I have Scrub-jays that feed this way from my suet feeders. They are fun to watch and they actually go through the suet pretty fast.

Brian King said...

Great shots, Andrew! The in-flight pics are wonderful!

Kathie Brown said...

What a cutie! He looks like a bit of a blue angel! Nice shots. Love the red breast and spread wings.

BTW, my tern turned out to be a common and not a roseate tern. Thanks for your visit to my blog!

Magia da Inês said...

º° ✿✿°
Olá, amigo!
O pássaro é muito fofo.
Gostei das imagens dele voando.
Bom fim de semana.
º° ✿✿°


ooo how wonderful! Have a wonderful weekend!