Thursday, 20 October 2011

Dawn in Cheshire.................................................. seconds from sunrise

During the winter months I leave for work in the dark.....when I return in the evening it's in the dark.
I find it very depressing... my only view of the outdoors is through a small window in the corner of the office with just a small section of sky showing above the warehouse opposite.
 It's now getting close to that time of the year but for the next week or so I hope to see some wonderful dawn skies during my commute.
 Today was the best I have seen so far... this image was taken on my little point and shoot about five minutes from sunrise this morning.
I only have a couple of stopping points on my journey to take pictures and I missed a beautiful rainbow a couple of days ago because I couldn't pull over..... fingers crossed for something special.

A link here to Sktwatch Friday to see more lovely images from all over the planet:


Unknown said...

Really interesting sky!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

TexWisGirl said...

that is beautiful, andrew!

Bob Bushell said...

I've got my fingers crossed and one day you will see a rainbow, with your camera ready. This photo is just amazing.

Andy said...

Looks like there's some jet trails in your photo. I found the perfect cure for feeling depressed because of less daylight hours. I retired! Now I get up when I want and go to bed when I want:-)

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous skies, Andrew! I do understand about the really short days and how depressing they can be! We're getting to that point pretty quickly here in Seattle! But when we can capture skies like these it does help lift the depression! I hope you have lots more skies/colors like these! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!


Inger-M said...

What a wonderful way to start the day! I'm usually a late riser, so I don't catch the sunrise very often. These days it occurs at approx. 8.30am, so in a couple of weeks I may have a chance :-)

Art said...

This was a beautiful picture of the sky!

eileeninmd said...

A gorgeous sunrise, a great start to your day. Great photo, happy skywatching!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautifully taken!

Sky Watch at my page, please come and see. Have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

I find it always irratating when jetstream trails mar an otherwise beautiful sunrise/sunset. But you got to make the best of what you've got. Maybe you can do some creative evening shots; long exposures on a tripod.

Chatty Crone said...

Nice photo - I think that I see a jet stream in it too. Love the half light and half dark.


Trish ~ ♥ ~ said...

I was just saying the same thing ~ hate it getting dark so early. I leave work in the dark and makes it feel like it's the middle of the night.


There is an old poem in Chinese right describes the same situation of what you've written in the beginning by Tao Yuanming, a poet in the Jin Dynasty, goes like“晨兴理荒秽,带月荷锄归”,reading as "chen xing li huang hui, dai yue he chu gui", can you read them out?

Pantherka said...

Beautifully colored skies and beautiful photo.

Fábio Martins said...

I like it!

Fábio Martins said...

A special afternoon

cieldequimper said...

We had a wonderful sunset today, sunrise was foggy, lol... This one is a beauty. To each seasons its good moments, I don't mind leaving when it's dark and returning when it's also dark, I know I'll enjoy candle light at home...