Friday 7 October 2011

Looking after Charlie............................................... and sleepless nights

I lost my little cat Billy a few months after moving to my present home six years ago.
 He was run over and I made a promise to myself never to replace him while I live here.
The speed limit is only 30mph but it is a busy road... the local swimming pool and sports centre is just around the corner.
I was asked to look after a friends kitten for a week while she was away on holiday.
The cutest little sweet.
Looks can be so deceiving.

He was too young to go outside and his name is Charlie............ Charlie drove me bonkers!
He looks so cute in the photo.... but was a right little bast*^" at night.
This little clip from YouTube depicts what I endured every night for very along week.

                                 If you have ever owned a cat I am sure you will sympathize.
 It's so funny to watch... and has had over 26 million views on You Tube so you may already be aware of it..... it's still worth another look.

I am a cat lover and if I lived somewhere safe I wouldn't hesitate to have another.
At the moment I live in a studio flat...a big room but nowhere to lock up a kitten at night. :-)


  1. That is Sinbad except he isn't as vocal as the cartoon cat and hasn't discovered the use of a baseball bat yet. I've had cats all my life. In fact, I too had a Charlie, named afer Charlie Chaplin because of the black under the nose, much like Charlie the kitten in your post. Better Charlie than Adolph. But Sinbad is my first exclusive "indoor cat". Like your Billy, I lost my Pink (he liked Pink Floyd music) the same way and I vowed nevermore an indoor/outdoor cat. Yes, Charlie is the cutest little kitten.

  2. i do love that Simon's cat clip. always makes me laugh. your little charge is a cutie, even if he was a sheister! :)

  3. How he/she can hurt you, tee hee.

  4. You made my afternoon! Ha.ha.ha! It reminds me of the cat that I had, but also of my present little dog. She's always looking for treats and sits at my feet when I am working, staring up at me and tapping her nails on the floor until I give in just to have peace. She's the boss; but you wouldn't know looking at her big eyes.

  5. Hi Andrew... I have never seen that one before and I just about p'ed my pants laughing!!
    The person who did that knows cat's ..of course cat's don't use bat's!!
    Good luck with your generous offer to watch over Charlie.. ; }!

    Have a lovely weekend!


  6. You'll be missing Charlie then.

  7. This kitten looks so sweet indeed, and I love this episode of Simon's cat - so true:)
    Happy weekend to you!

  8. OHyeah this is why Im a dog TOO Funny so sorry about your cat tho...

  9. So adorable cat! Very nice catch

  10. In 2003 I was about to embark on a five month trip travelling the globe.I'd brought tons of cat food and made arrangements with family and neighbours to feed my thirteen year old cat Guinness.On the morning of my departure he lay dead in his basket.Now who says cats don't have a sixth sense.

  11. Wow ..... It is a beautiful kitten. You will then feel sad for him.

  12. Hello Andrew - I am a dog-lover, but cats are special and would love to have one. Thank you for this post, wonderful image.

  13. We have 3 cats. But we also have a basement ;-)

  14. LOL, that is so funny! I'm a dog person though; I'm allergic to cats so I stay as far away from them as I can! We have a wonderful little miniature schnauzer :-)
