Sunday 11 September 2011

Views from Furey Wood.................. spoilt by wire

We are expecting the tail end of Hurricane Katia in the UK tomorrow.
The weekend weather has been quite warm but a bit blustery.
Blue skies with white clouds being blown across the landscape... beautiful to watch.
I decided to have a quick look around Furey Wood this morning.
It is the nearest part of the local nature reserve to my house (it's all within walking distance) and the only wood on my side of the River Weaver.
It is sandwiched between the chemical works and the river and was originally a wasteland.
There is now a picnic area with tables and paths which lead through the woods and even down to the river and into the town itself.
Who uses it... the odd local dog walker!
There is a view point above the river with wonderful views over my little town... Northwich.
We have a lot of lampposts in Northwich

The River Weaver, Town Bridge and the basin
The world famous radio telescope at Jodrell Bank can be seen in the distance.
 You see my problem?... power lines leading to the chemical works.
I followed them to a pylon.
I have never walked beneath a pylon before ...probably because I am normally quite sensible.
 A structure we are so used to seeing in our landscape...
...ugly all the same.
As I left this friendly Buzzard gave me a wave goodbye... was the only wildlife I saw in Furey Wood.
Can you be a bit more specific please!

I have added this to Skywatch Friday as the prequel to my first post.
This one prompted the sequel... I hope this makes sense.


  1. Lovely shots. The view of the tower from below is very powerful.

  2. Wow that sign is easy to understand!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. The first picture is fantastic and the others are with a good message

  4. Nice views of your vicinity, how did you manage to be under the pylon, 'cause they have that barbed wire around them.

  5. hi Andrew

    beautiful photos, essential forest, your city beautiful, wonderful view of the landscape. are invited to see my city in other blogs, photo. greetings.

  6. Love that walking path. Agree, I hate those power lines, especially when they get in my photos!

  7. Nice shots of the pylon.........They can be quite photogenic. Usually anything but. I'm surprised how busy the Weaver Navigation looks.

  8. Love that sign! And the angles and lines in your shots of the pylon are so su[erb you forget what you're looking at!! Wouldn't it be civilised to underground all power lines ... downunder we'll have to wait for a major event like another bushfire or election!!

  9. Thankyou for your recent follow and comment, I am returning the compliment as I enjoy getting to know my followers. One of our daughters lived in Knutsford for awhile so it will be interesting to learn a little more about the area through your blog. The River Weaver looks to be popular.

  10. Beautiful photos, very beautiful city, beautiful nature. power lines spoil the impression but unfortunately ... we can not do without him.

  11. A great post. Wonderful work, Andrew.

  12. Pylons are such monstrosities; but you managed to make it look interesting in the second shot.
    The Weaver looks very busy.

  13. Awesome shots, I've got a couple power line towers too.

  14. They didn't "mince" words in their warning!!! Lovely sky and clouds in the first shot. Looks like a pretty place to picnic or go for a walk. Mickie :)

  15. I had to smile the warning ^_^ My favorite is the second photo. And all your photos are gorgeous thanks for sharing. Happy weekend!


  16. Beautiful shots all... you live in a very beautiful area!

  17. Great skywatch and series. It looks like a beautiful place for a walk or picnic. Cool shot of the buzzard. Have a great weekend, Andrew!

  18. Well I am glad you didn't get 'zapped' beneath that pylon. An interesting and scenic sequence of photo's. The only part of Cheshire I really got to see was Wilmslow and Alderley Edge when I was square-bashing in the WRAF.

  19. Very good photos.

    Regards and best wishes

  20. What a wonderful day it seems like!! These are really nice photos!!

