Friday 23 September 2011

Nine days off work..................... deep breath..... and relax

My last longish vacation this year starts right now... a few plans for the week but nothing certain.
A week of total relaxation... hopefully watching wildlife and enjoying rambles in the countryside and after the disappointment of my camera failing in early July a bit of good fortune.
The good fortune fairy arrived as soon as I returned home today.
Long-tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus)
The garden feeders were covered with a flock of beautiful of Long-tailed Tits.

They are a beautiful little bird to see and I remember describing them as "monk heads" the first time I saw them so I would remember what to look for in my bird books for identification.

I grabbed the camera... missing the masses but got a few shots of some the stragglers.
This one was joined by a Blue Tit.

My garden "hoover" watched over the whole episode... he never misses a dropped seed.

To see more beautiful birds click on the link to view.
World Bird Wednesday XLV


  1. those long-taileds are the cutest bird i think i've ever seen. i always admire them when i see you UK bloggers post them. :)

    enjoy your long vaca!!! with a working camera this time! :)

  2. A lovable little bird, I do hope you have a remarkable long holidays.

  3. Great images. Love the second to last, with that one little one looking straight into the camera. How perfect is that!
    Have a super wonderful vacation.. relaxing!

  4. Wow .. These birds are absolutely beautiful.
    Have a nice weekend!

  5. Have a good break........a stroke of good fortune indeed. I've not seen any for months. A great little bird.

  6. Very beautiful little birds. Your garden hoover is also a handsome Bird. Great shots.

  7. Great images Andrew, I think they're one of our cutist little birds.

    Have a good holiday...[;o)

  8. °º✿
    º° ✿Olá, amigo!
    ✿♥ ° ·.Belos clic
    Imagens muito bonitas.
    º° ✿✿♥ ° ·.Bom fim de semana!

  9. Ha you could employ the pigeon on a part time basis I'm sure he would get the hang of the dyson. Not seen to many long tailed tits this year, that's a shame because they really are the clowns of the bird world.

  10. Lovely, Andrew, and perfect pictures, too.

  11. Hi Andrew...My favorite UK darn cute they are...the next to the last shot..the one looking straight ahead cracked me up lol such a cute face 1
    Have a lovely you camera now and lots of birds!! ; }}
    ♥ Grace

  12. Love them all! Enjoy your days off:)

  13. Enjoy the break Andrew!
    Lovely photos of the `Badger` birds (what my wife calls the Long-tailed Tit).
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  14. I wish you a world of relaxation & rambles on your vacation.
    The long tailed bird has the cutiest expression on his face.Great photos,phyllis

  15. Wonderful shots! WOW at the top one.

  16. They're beauties, Andrew. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  17. Beautiful birds and the first photo is especially nice.

  18. They are lovely birds and your photos are wonderful. Enjoy your time off, happy birding.

  19. I fell in love with long-tailed tits on my last visit to Germany, and your beautiful photos remind me why. Lovely post!

  20. fantastic... what great entertainment getting to watch those cute little birds!

  21. Hi there - given that people introduced all kinds of birds to Australia I have wondered why no LTT's? What a great little bird they are. Nests are even more remarkable.

    Cheers - Stewart M

  22. Camera repaired, check. Long vacation with nothing pressing, check. Suet balls in the feeder, check. Sounds like you've got your ducks in a row Andrew! Enjoy!

  23. Andrew, great shots of this pretty bird! Hey...I really like your feeder. Wishing you a wonderful vacation!

  24. These are the cutest little birds! Wonderful shots! Enjoy your vacation!

  25. long tailed tits are adorable. Yours look a little different from ours but look as sweet. :)
