Sunday 18 September 2011

Lapwings a Woodpecker and............................................. Cows?

I had quite a bit to do this morning so it was after 2pm before I managed to get out for a walk.
A lovely day with massive white clouds amongst the blue sky.

I stayed local and visited Neumanns Flash. The water levels are still very low... we have had a bit of rain lately but it's been a very dry summer so not nearly enough.
There were loads of Lapwings in the air and around the shore.

I cut through Dairy House Meadow towards the canal and was amazed to meet this motley crew.

One had obviously found an escape route and the rest had followed... at one point I was surrounded.
They all wanted their picture taken.

The bench they were having a good scratch on appeared in an earlier post about the woodlands resting places..a link below.
It is the one with the carved toads.

 I couldn't fail to get decent close up images of these boisterous youngsters.
As I continued my walk I saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker.
The images were taken into the sun.

With a smile on my face I headed towards Haydn's Pool.
 I haven't been since early August and the water levels then were really low...
What I saw today was devastating!

A link to the next post here:


  1. love the cows and their scratching post. :) and the lapwings look like salt and pepper shakings.

  2. What a lovely day out you had, and it resulted in great photos. The cows are cute, and I love the woodpecker!

  3. Lots and lots and lots of Lapwing, and there was a look from the lizard thing, that meant, can't you (cows) do that somewhere else. It's been a long time since I could take a good picture of Woodpecker, fortunately you have done that.

  4. Your photos are wonderful and although the woodpecker is the greater challenge, I love the shot of the cow and the critter-bench. "What you lookin' at buddy?"

    The cartoon drive was exciting as well, particularly from the left side of the road!


  5. Beautiful and yet so cool and comment :-)

  6. Hello Andrew, I love your woodpecker and the lapwings in flight. But, the cows are my favorite, they look so cute next to the bench. Great photos!

  7. I love the birds,& you have me laughing over those cows,the looks on their faces were priceless!phyllis

  8. A grand shot of the Woodpecker. It's good to see the Lapwing all back together for the winter. I can spend ages watching them fly.

  9. Oh, you're such a tease ... but I'll content myself until your next post with trying to work out if your lapwings and the OZ lapwings are the same, or just a bit similar!!

  10. Cattle always make for interesting photos. Their expressions are often comical. Great shots, Andrew. All of them! :)

  11. You had a lovely walk, Andrew! I do love the cows and the bench - so funny:)

  12. Hi there - have to say I'm going with the majority here - like the pictures of the birds but the cows are even better!

    I never did understand why all and sundry start panicking when they see a wasp - leave it alone and chances are it will do the same thing to you!

    Cheers Stewart M

  13. Very nice catches. Love the animals there

  14. Wonderful pictures here Andrew, your escapee cows are charming and the bench is inspired. The Spotted woodpecker is quite a sight indeed. Beautifully photographed considering you were shooting into the sun!

  15. love this....the woodpecker, outstanding, i don't get that one!!

  16. Great woodpecker photos!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  17. Those are mature cow-ladies that were making sheep's eyes at you.
    I had to avoid a bull the other day that got a bit narky when I was crossing our paddock. He had not noticed me as he was enjoying a dust-bath and got a fright when he saw me. Luckily I managed to quetly sneak behind a tree until he calmed down.
    Great skies and woodpeckers.

  18. Great shots! I love that Woodpecker!
