Friday 30 September 2011

The birds of Llandudno................................................... born to be bold

It's been another day of warm sunshine in the UK.
75 degrees plus here in Cheshire.
A post about the birds I saw yesterday as promised.
The Great Orme from my parking place.... it was a long walk but so enjoyable.
Summer is over apparently....... the paddling pool has been drained for winter.
This little juvenile Herring Gull would love to have a paddle during this heatwave we are having.
A noisy juvenile Herring Gull... he wanted to know what I had in my bag.
 Adult Herring Gull and juvenile.... the eye colour and beak take quite a while to change.
It's no wonder gull ID is so difficult... it's a science all of it's own.
The birds hassle the visitors
Feeding is discouraged.... the birds are always on the lookout for free lunch.
Food is snatched out of the hands of unwary visitors.
 Jackdaws strut the promenade like gangsters... also on the lookout for a free meal.
 A beautiful bird to see up close... our only crow with a white eye.

Me and my shadow....
I took the tram up the Great Orme... This lovely old coach does trips around the Marine Drive.
The Marine Drive circumnavigates the Orme around it's base just above sea level.
The Jackdaws on the top of Great Orme posed for the camera..
Beautiful birds to see up close... I can't get near to the ones at home.
Great to watch everybody enjoying our lovely sunshine...
I am not kidding snow has been forecast in the next couple of weeks.

To see more lovely birds from all over the world.
click on the image below to view.

World Bird Wednersday XLVI



  1. Que lindas fotos! Você consegue fotos das aves bem de perto.Foi um belo passeio. Aqui estamos no início da primavera, e neste momento faz 37°C ( 98°F). Estamos com muito calor, e não chove a algum tempo. Fico imainando como será o nosso verão. A sua temperatura aí tá amena, boa para passear.

  2. Hi Andrew,
    Great photos! Especially like the Jackdaw, great bird with a blue eye!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  3. I love them, the Jackdaws are my favourite. I used to have a bus like that, same colouring, it was something else.

  4. nice that you've gotten some summer weather for your week off! love the 1st jackdaw photo. :)

  5. Great photos all Andrew. I like the sheen of the Jackdaws...a name I've not heard before I might add.

  6. Great post Andrew. Looks like those Gulls have got quite an extortion racket on the go.

  7. Your Jackdaws are terribly fetching, Andrew, as are all your birds. If anyone tells me NOT to feed the birde, I'll do everything posssible to break their rule...

  8. Superb shots......lovely to get so close to the birds.

  9. thanks for the guided tour

  10. Hi Andrew,

    You are such a talented photographer.
    The jackdaw is my favourite :)

    Keep it up.The english countryside is always beautiful.

    The PostMan

  11. My home from home Llandudno one day I will be living there and your post transported me there well digitally anyway.

  12. Gorgeous gull photos. The eye color change is pretty amazing.

  13. Excellent and very nice photos.

    Regards and best wishes

  14. Excellent and very nice pictures

  15. Very beautiful pictures and beautiful shots!

  16. Great tour, Andrew!! Boom & Gary of the Vermi;lon River, Canada.

  17. Wonderful gull shots! It seems a few of us gulls posted. Looks like a great place to visit and your photos are beautiful.

  18. Great photos. Those gulls are so different in the juvenile and adult plumage. I wonder if you got the predicted snow!

  19. Nice collection Andrew! I am really crazy about that bus too, cool retro styling! I'm not sure I like the thought of your gulls being so pushy. Manners, after all, are important! Snow? Now that sounds extremely impolite.

  20. Superb, Andrew! I love the place, I love the birds, but this vintage bus is simply the best:)

  21. I love your jackdaw pix, Andrew! Of course I am very partial to jackdaws....they are birds with an attitude. Love the adult and juvenile herring gull with the pebbles in the back. Looks like you had a great outing.

  22. You are having beautiful weather! I love all the shorebirds, but the Jackdaw steals the show!
