Sunday 28 August 2011

A walk in the woods....................... Kennel Woods

I have made a few posts about Kennel was my childhood playground. 
On my last visit there was a "Woods for Sale" sign by this gate.
That had been removed... I need to do a bit of research...
I still don't understand the gate?

My little car trying to blend in... unsuccessfully!
I had a nice walk (despite the litter bugs)... so much has changed.
Well it is 45 years since I was 10.
The trees are much bigger...
... but the hollows we used to ride soapbox carts down are still there...lovely memories.

I was so disappointed though to see litter...
... and once I had focused on it I saw it everywhere.
I will never understand why people carry drinks and snacks around no problem...
...when eaten or drank the packaging becomes so heavy they can't take it home.
This energy drink obviously doesn't work in my part of the world...
... no strength left to bin it!

Another big problem we have is dog poo.
We poop and scoop in the UK... it's the done thing.
Everyone does it when others are watching... trouble is they sling it when nobodies looking.
It would be better left to the flies...wrapped in a plastic bag it's going nowhere.
A collage of the litter... I am too embarrased to show it all.
Its a public holiday in the UK tomorrow... I will be returning to Kennel Woods with gloves and a binbag... collecting litter.
 This little car gets everywhere.... a view of Kennel Lane.


  1. oh, good man. i detest litter as well...

  2. It's sad to see trash on the floor of a forest like this

  3. I thought Americans were the pigs but my word, I think the Brits could give are litter bugs a good contest. I like your observation that after it is eaten or drunk, it is too heavy to carry home. Makes perfect sense. ;)

  4. It is awful............the number of times I put a jacket on only to find a couple of crap bags in the pocket.
    I often carry a peddle bin liner, supermarket bags have holes in. Amazing how fast I can fill it.

  5. walking in the woods har a therapeutic effect. unfortunately not everybody respects that ...

  6. It's terrible, I do not understand why people discard all the rubbish where they do not.

  7. It annoys me that there are people around that can spoil our countryside like that Andrew, and they consider themselves to be human beings!
    And those morons that think it's clever to hang plastic bags full of dog poo on any availiable branch want their..... sorry, this is turning into a get what I mean tho'. [;o)

  8. Great shots of the lovely woods. Maybe you should have a green car instead of red. :-)

  9. Such a beautiful woods! It's a shame that people are so inconsiderate.

  10. People are so crude.Our property is alot of forest & we are forever telling the rich people in the development above us that our land is not for dumping cat litter boxes in nor our stumps to be used a target practice for cans that don`t get picked up...I could go on & on...phyllis
