Monday 8 August 2011

Neumanns Flash................ relaxing with the birds

Neumanns Flash
I spent a couple of hours on Sunday afternoon in No.1 Hide at Neumanns Flash.
The water levels are quite low but this suits the wading birds.
Black-tailed Godwits, Lapwings and a lovely family of Coots were on the beach in front of the hide as was a Grey Heron strutting his stuff.
The weather was very windy and quite dull so it's not the brightest video clip.

There was a single Black Swan was on the Flash.
We have had a breeding pair for the past few years but every cygnet has been lost to predation.

Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)

I saw a Red Admiral in the hide but only managed a closed wing shot.

This one was taken in my garden.

To see more wonderful birds from all over the world.
Click on the link below.


  1. the little wading birds are so cute. and the blooming grasses make for lovely scenery. :)

  2. Nice video Keith. Shame to hear about the Black Swans. We had a pair down here for a couple of months in 2009 but I've not seen them since.

  3. Good to see a Robin. I'm not seeing any on my travels.

  4. Hi Andrew...That little Robin was a real bright spot...nice to actually see what it is really like there ..great video!!
    The Admiral is lovely !!

  5. Great video! I've never seen a black swan, it's amazing!

  6. Beautiful shots--such a lovely place. And, your butterfly shots are amazing. Mickie ;)

  7. Lovely place Andrew and I like the video! Black Swans are gorgeous, aren't they?

  8. Your pics are usually nice and interesting.

  9. Great video Andrew. It reminds me a lot of Summer Leys, in Northamptonshire.
    I've a real soft spot for the Black Swans; lovely birds. A shame they haven't been successful in breeding.

  10. Gee sorry to hear about the black swans!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  11. Really nice video and great butterfly shots.

  12. The video was great to have a real feel for the place ... black swans .... sigh

  13. Thank you for your nice comment on my blog.
    You have a beautiful blog with great photos, video is amazing!

  14. Loved the video! A great place to spend some time even on a grey day.

  15. Hello Andrew! Your videos are great every single time. And your macros are wonderful. Thank you for all nice comments in my blog - I really appreciate!

  16. Love your videos Andrew! Your focus is so right on and the framing of your scenes is excellent. There is a ton of bird activity at that patch, it keeps things interesting. The stalking heron is so cool!
    Cheers to you Sir!

  17. Your video shows the environment nicely... so interesting to see the fat little robin at the end... we don't have that robin here and I always love to see images of it! Nice butterflies too!

  18. Looks like a great place to have a walk!

    Thanks for sharing

  19. Lovely piece of nature you live in!
    Hope you get some rain soon, though!

    Hm, I just had a pop-up from trivian games when I opened up the comment section.
    Is that by plan (I don't mind if it is, just wondering), or did you catch a 'bug'?

  20. Beautiful post, great video with so many different birds. I love the last photo with the butterfly!

  21. Hi there - interesting to hear about the balck swans again. They are native here, is there any "objection" to them being in the UK? We have real problems with feral pests - birds as well as foxes, rabbits and cane toads!

    Cheers Stewart M

  22. I am so sorry for the black swan so far from the warmth of his homeland. It must have escaped from a collector or the Serpentine. Here in their homeland they never experience your winter temperatures. I have also seen a pair in Geneva that looked so sad. Lovely birds and wetlands.

  23. it was many years ago I saw a black swan. Would like to do that again. :)

  24. I much enjoyed your video, Andrew. Such a great variety of birds - I would love to visit that place! I saw a black swan in a zoo in germany once.

  25. That first photo, enlarged, is a beautiful scene, with all the shorebirds about! Lovely video too!

  26. I also enjoyed your video. Liked how you shot birds though the pretty flowers!

  27. Lovely butterflies. I'm glad you got to see the birds.

  28. Loved the video and how you showed the blowing grasses and plants as well as the birds. Very lovely!
    I loved the butterfly shots as well.I haven't got as many of those as I'd like. :)
    Hope you're having a wonderful week.
