Monday, 1 August 2011

My garden hoovers have reproduced...................

A quick explanation of the title.
I have a couple of regular Woodpigeons that clean up anything dropped from my feeders.
hence their nickname....the Hoovers.

I woke up this morning to see two juvenile Woodpigeons strutting about my garden.
I have only had a single youngster for the last few years so it was a lovely surprise.

At the moment they have the look only a Mother could love.....
.....and me of course.
Not the sharpest images but they were taken through double glazed french doors.

To see more beautiful birds from around the world.
click on the image below.


grammie g said...

Hi Andrew ...What a nice surprise....I am a Mother and I think they are lovely!!
Love that little head tilt!!
♥ Grace

TexWisGirl said...

oh, they're so sweet! 'hoovers' here mean vacuum cleaners so i wasn't sure what to expect when i saw your post title!

Anonymous said...

My first thought too. "Vacuum cleaners can reproduce? What a marvelous age we live in."

Malgorzata Ingstad said...

You and me see the pigeons. I hear other people say they are rats with wings. How can they!

Reena said...

Love watching how the parents care for their young! Such devotion!

Unknown said...

I like pigeons Andrew,although we don't have many. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

John said...

Hi Andrew,
Shouldn`t that be `vacuum cleaners` as `hoover` is a brand name! ;)
The Squab is an extremely odd looking creature, as you have said, a look only a mother could love!

joo said...

I love them! They are so sweet!

theconstantwalker said...

I don't do "politically correct".
I am a baby boomer who grew up calling a vacuum cleaner a hoover the ball point pen a biro and sticky tape sellotape... Lol

mick said...

Great photos. the detail on the first one is especially good.

Bob Bushell said...

Great hoovers Andrew.

eileeninmd said...

AWWW, what a cutie! It is great to have these hoovers around. Great shots.

FAB said...

Yours hoover and mine are also at home clambering on the large feeder. Greedy but still welcome although they are getting more aggresive towards the Collared Doves.

holdingmoments said...

They have a beauty all their own.

I get a few in my garden, and they do an excellent job of picking up the spilt seed.

Springman said...

Thank goodness not everyone is hung up on good looks! Congratulations on the new Woodpigeons you may rest assured your garden will be as tidy as ever!

Arija said...

Andrew, I absolutely love your babies, they have such gentle colourings.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - yes, a face only a mother could love! But they taste good in pies! opps, don't think I should have said that.

Cheers Stewart M - Australia

Hilke Breder said...

Beautiful colors! Lovely portrait of the pigeon. A neat bird. Not living in a ciy we don't see them that often.

Larry Ostby said...

Great hoovers Andrew. Did someone say pies? ;)

Indrani said...

They are too good looking and yes, a great title. :)

Fjällripan said...

So nice that they have reproduced in your garden :)They are lovely!

NatureFootstep said...

so nice. :)

Neil said...

Nice photos of the pigeon.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet pair! The adult's coloring is beautiful!

Jacqueline said...

What a nice surprise to see your comment. I am wondering if woodpigeons are a close relative of the lowly pigeon we see in the parks in the US. These are a sweet pair, so homely that they are charming :) Thank you for opening up a whole new world of birds to me. I love birding!
I am at

Victoria said...

Nice photos... We have Mourning Doves performing the same function, cleaning up the mess of dropped seed from the feeders. They are very similar in appearance to your Woodpigeons. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my post of my travels in Sweden. :-)

Unknown said...

Beautiful fellows! Congrats on the 'offspring' :D

Sondra said...

HOW Cool...I love me they are jewels of the bird world, with those gorgeous feathers.

jeanlivingsimple said...

It took me a moment to get the joke.:-D)
I wonder if they will learn to visit the visit instead of eating the their cousins the Mourning Doves at my place?

Thomas said...

Beautiful blog created by you with bird images....
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