Wednesday 3 August 2011

Haydn's Pool.................... water is getting scarce

I had a lovely walk yesterday taking in as much as I could of my local patch.
I visited Haydn's Pool knowing the water levels were getting low.
The view from the new hide
 I was quite shocked to see Black-headed Gulls just wading across in the shallow water.
Last August the screen hide on the far side had been replaced by a covered hide with seating

This is now so far from any water making it almost redundant.
I have added a video clip showing the pool in August 2010........the return sweep was taken this week 12 months later....
 We have had very little rainfall this year


  1. oh, hate to see this. looks just like my pond here... worrisome, for sure.

  2. Hope you get some rain soon.

  3. It looks like you've been having as dry a summer as the States. Seems so strange for your neck of the woods!

  4. it is dry there while there is lot of rain here in China, terrible, is it a preclude of the awful 2012?

  5. Hi Andrew...Yesterday we had a thunder storm and it just poured rain so hard..
    It is to bad that the water is so low at the pool..a lot of wildlife depend on these places!!
    I see some lovely Loosestrife growing there though !!

  6. I think today should top up the levels. I've noticed hides in daft places......they can't be cheap so one would think they would be sited better.

  7. It's going to rain this morning, so I am told. I'll put my camera back in it's home.

  8. Absolutely perfect set (photos, text and video)! :) Only the water is low! Perhaps the rain will come soon! :) Have a nice day! I send greetings from Czech Republic!

  9. I hope you get some rain very soon, Andrew.
    Wish you a nice and rainy day.

  10. Who'd ever thought there would come a day when the UK needed more rain?
    Hope you get it soon. That doesn't look good :(

  11. Quite a difference! We finally have rain, so I will send some your way :)

    Haven't had much spare time this week for commenting, so will comment here that your previous postS have all been lovely. Enjoyed your garden flowers immensely!

  12. Wow those levels are very low. It's a similar story locally here.

  13. So Nice and cool scenery and fine video......
