Saturday 30 July 2011

A short stroll............................................ that took up two hours of my life

I work every other Saturday morning and finish at 12.30.
I have the use of a company van for my commute and as it wasn't used all morning it baked in the beautiful sunshine we had today.
The temperature on the dashboard as I got in flashed up at 36c that's 98.6 Fahrenheit.
The outside temperature was actually 26c (79F) and quite pleasant but for a few seconds I could really appreciate what my friends in the US have recently been suffering... it isn't pleasant.

I have to pass my favourite place for walking/wildlife watching on my homeward journey and parked in the lay by at the eastern side of Neumanns Flash for a quick stroll.

The Gorse Bushes were really Popping!!

If you stand beside a gorse bush in summer you can hear the seed pods popping open.
The heat of the sun dries them out and as they crack open they twist and flick the seeds up to three metres from the parent plant.
Cinnabar Moth Caterpillers are all over the Ragwort.
 I pass my favourite place for walking/wildlife watching on my homeward journey so took advantage of the fine weather for a quick stroll around Neumanns Flash.

Sorry about this shot....but some of the Gatekeepers were in the mood.....
..... while others were showing signs of age.
Ragwort is a poisonous plant.
 Insects can absorb this to make then toxic to predators.
I spotted this Toad crossing the path and hurried him across...
...cyclists out enjoying the nice weather could have run him over.

Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
I see these in the garden but it's always a pleasure to see them on my walks.
You can walk around the flash in about 15 minutes.....
..... joggers in no time at all.

I took over two hours......... a lovely afternoon and these images are just a reflection of my day.


  1. love that you took your time and strolled and snapped. what a cute little toad! looks almost angry with you for making him move! the popping bushes sound neat! in our sun, they'd be all flicked out in about a day! :)

  2. Hi Andrew,
    Ragwort is a great plant for insects, not so much for horses and so I find myself digging it up a bit too much for my liking ( one place I work has horses, so they are always asking me to get rid of the plant!).
    I find that sometimes the more you look, the more you see and two hours can flash by, especially in the lovely sunshine!
    Follow me at HEDGELAND TALES

  3. My sort of pace is that. It's amazing what ones sees if you just sit down and wait........Another grand set of pictures.

  4. Hi Andrew..that last photo is lovely..
    I love the layout signs you have there very nice!
    Nice stroll thanks for time no X rated scenes lol..just kidding!!

  5. Beautiful photos! I love the frog and the goldfinch:)! Have a relaxing weekend!

  6. Seeing your photos is always so pleasant for me.

  7. I can relate to those two hour instead of 15min walks, we do that too :D
    Lovely, lovely nature glimpses!
    And hey, add another 10C and you have our temps :)

  8. Hi Andrew, that was just my kind of walk. I too enjoy my 'every-day'birds in the wild and at least her hum picture did not show full frontal!
    You really have a great place for 'mindful' walking. Thanks for taking us along.

  9. No wonder it took so long, you kept on taking pictures, and it was well worth it too Andrew.

  10. Wonderful post and some very beautiful images. Well done, Andrew.

  11. Andrew, you sound like me when I'm out; takes forever lol
    The only way to see and appreciate what's around though.
    Well done with the toad :-)

  12. Andrew, I always enjoy your photos. Thanks for brightening my day!
