Wednesday 4 May 2011

Lakelands....................... lovely feathered friends

A lovely few days in the Lake District...  it's a beautiful place to visit.
So much stunning scenery.
Cumbria does get it's fair share of rain (hence the lakes) so I was delighted to get the lovely sunshine I did and enjoyed some wonderful encounters on my wanders with some of the local birds.

Robin (Erithacus rubecula)

Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos) ...with a hearty meal
Blackbird (Turdus merula).....
.....having a scratch around
Barnacle Geese (Branta leucopsis)
Carrion Crow (Corvus corone)
Red-breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator)..... difficult to get a decent image of..... hard as I tried
Pied  Wagtail (Motacilla alba)
Enjoying the sunshine.....another tricky bird to get close to
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)
  And of course the highlight of my four day break in the beautiful English Lake District was the Osprey.
As stated in the last post I watched this lovely bird through my binoculars and had a superb view of it catching it's prey.
I grabbed my camera after the fish was caught and managed to get this record shot.
Fantastic weather...stunning scenery...and beautiful birds....what more could I have wished for.

Please scroll down to read the last few posts about my fantastic vacation if you havn't already viewed them.


  1. Hi Andrew...impressive list of birds you have!!
    I like those shot you where trying to get of the Merganser lol.
    I know your pride and record shot is the Osprey good one!!
    So glad it was a all round great time away!!
    Take care...Grace

  2. I can see why you had such a great trip!! Awesome shots of some really super birds I love those Barnacle Geese-and wonderful Osprey shot too!!!

  3. All of the birds are gorgeous and your captures are wonderful! But my favorite is the osprey---I do so love those birds!

  4. What a great variety of birds!Looks like you had a very good day.

  5. those are gorgeous. what a great variety and great photos of them! fantastic!

  6. Beautiful birds,Andrew,they all are!

  7. Nice series of images! Seem that you had a great day!

  8. All are beautiful but I think I never heard of the Merganser before and it's my favourite. So cute! :-)
    Also I'm amazed at the Stone in the previous post.

  9. Lovely, lovely photos, all but my favorite is actually the Thrush. Just beautiful!
    Glad you had such a wonderful time!

  10. My vote goes to the ( orange-breasted ) robin. How wonderful to 'get lost' for a few days, seeing what you can see...

  11. Such gorgeous captures.

    My Skywatch, please come and see.

  12. Amazing photos of such a wide variety of birds. Well done. Have a nice weekend. Mickie ;)

  13. Brilliant post Andrew.... you revel in your Osprey mate... congrats

    Nice banner image too... your best yet

  14. Great catch on the osprey!! And a great series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
