Tuesday 31 May 2011

Garden birds in the rain......................................

Spring Bank Holiday Monday...and it rained all day.
The garden feeders were still busy with all the juvenile sparrows and a couple of very active Blue Tits going to and fro all morning.
Dunnock looking damp and unimpressed
Juvenile Woodpigeon
My bird food is going at an alarming rate......and I think this is why.

To see more lovely birds from around the world please click on the image below.


  1. Bad day, but interesting birds. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. LOL! we have the same feeder-raiding squirrels here... :)

  3. I love Magpie - such a beauty! Nice to see squirrels in feeder:)

  4. Nice birds - and I had a chuckle at the little 'thief' at the bird feeder.

  5. The magpie would be a great bird to see. They look so handsome in a symmetrical way. The acrobatic squirrel could test the depth of even a rich mans seed budget!

  6. Great series even with the damp day. I love the magpie! thanks for sharing and have a great week!

  7. So nice to see your magpie. Our here are so large and heavy and not at all cheeky.

  8. My bird food is going fast too, and we don't have squirrels here. Beautiful bird captures!

  9. It was back to normal with the Bank Holiday weather wasn't it Andrew lol
    At least the birds still visit. :-)

  10. The Magpie is looking so grand and majestic.

  11. We were away for 4 days and I was stunned at the damage done to my flower pots by the squirrels!! Im about ready to call my home owners insurance and report a home invasion!!
    Love the magpie shot---

  12. Nice collection Andrew. It reminds me that I need to get out and fill up my own feeders.

  13. Your Magpie is a looker! The Dunnock looks much like our House Finches and the Woodpigeon could pass for the Mourning Dove.
    I have those feeder raiders here and they are making me mad!

  14. That Magpie is very smart-looking! Squirrels are amazing when it comes to getting to the feeders!

  15. Boy that Magpie is gorgeous.
    I don't feed the birds because it would all go to the rock and ground squirrels and I cannot afford that.

  16. I've never seen a Magpie before- beautiful bird! So, you have the same problem I do with the bird food going quickly...Tucker goes out there like 100 times a day to chase them off but those darn things come back every single time.

  17. It must have been a hard raid as they look so wet. Poor ones.

  18. We have magpies in the west and red squirrels in the east but I have never seen a dunnock in the USA! (or anywhere else for that matter!) Time to put a baffle on the feeder pole!

  19. Love that shot of the Magpie Andrew! I too have been dealing with the tree squirrels here lately. I bought several baffles for my feeders and will be installing them today. The squirrels haven't touched my woodpecker feeder since I installed the only baffle I had on it so I'm hoping that this solves the problem.
