Sunday 10 April 2011

Rant to the mindless idiots......have some respect

 I took over 500 images on my walk today and really enjoyed the lovely weather.

 What I witnessed during my stroll though changed the whole mood of my day.

The River Dane nearing the end of it's journey into Northwich
Beautiful weather and an amble into town to walk along the lovely riverside path beside the River Dane to Roker Park. A lovely place..Tennis courts, bowling green, skateboard ramps, a putting green and crazy golf and refreshments. What more could you want on a lovely spring morning.

Roker Park
Northwich Railway Viaduct
I then continued under the the railway viaduct. 47 arches, a Grade II Listed Building and the main aim of my walk this morning towards St Helen's Church with sits on a hill overlooking the town.

I had read reports of vandalism by drunken youths a few years ago but hadn't realised the extent of the damage. So many old gravestones pushed over....where is the respect.

How do you comprehend the minds of some people.....what were they thinking?
I realise some may have been laid down for health and safety reasons but upside down and some broken beyond repair............?

I only went into the churchyard this morning with the intention of visiting the grave of a school friend of mine. Colin passed away at the tender age of 16 in the summer of 1972.


  1. People can be very weird, Andrew. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. i did some foolish things as a youngster too, but hopefully never really hurt anyone or damaged their property. it is sad to see. one photo says youth is lost, the others show losses by youth.

  3. People have lost respect for the land and for the dignity of others...what a shame.

  4. Hi Andrew .. Your area is so very lovely ..and it is a shame that there is such things that go on with no respect...we have the same sort of things happen here too!!
    Some get caught .but unfortunately they get very little punishment because of there age..I refer to it as nothing, but a mere slap on the wrist !!

  5. It's a shame indeed. So many people these days have no respect for nothing.
    Here it's leaving trash behind anywhere they go (beach or desert) & mindless shooting of any bird in the sky, even if they are highly endangered,.... :(

    BUT, your area is beautiful and I love the virtual walk you took me for :)
