Saturday 8 January 2011

My favourite bird of 2010 ...................we touched

This little Robin fed from my hand and it was a lovely experience.
This post is to highlight my best 2010 birding moment.

Click the link to view.


  1. Hi Andrew...What a amazing thing to come that close to a bird in the wild!!
    I can see why that would be your best birding moment of the year!!
    We have the cute little Chickadee here and I have had them almost land on me while trying to fill the bird feeder,but nothing like that!!

  2. Wow, I'd love to have a bird feed from my hand...not sure I have developed quite that much patience. Yet. Beautiful bird and photo!

  3. Hi Andrew. UK robins are beautiful!!! Boom & Gary.

  4. Wow, what a cool thing to happen! The picture is absolutely amazing.

    The hummers in the summer swarm me while I'm filling their feeders, but thats as close as I've ever gotten.

  5. What a cutie and isn't it a thrill to have them feeding from your hand? It is that personal contact that makes your heart skip a beat.

  6. i saw this when you first posted it, i was really impressed and, i dont mind admitting, a little bit jealous. i`ve set myself a task to handfeed some form of wild birdlife this year, but whether i manage to get the evidence is another matter. well done mate.

  7. Many thanks for all your kind comments.

  8. what a neat experience! How fun! I've had birds land on my arm or hand before, really unexpected ones and it's just such a neat feeling (i actually cried i was so excited...). I love the picture, such a sweet bird.

  9. One of the most amazing experiences Andrew.
    A priceless encounter, and one to cherish forever.

  10. What a cute little feather 'ball'! Wondereful shot.
