Saturday 15 January 2011

Haydn's Pool...................................... a lovely place to contemplate life

Black-tailed Godwits

Black-tailed Godwits

Reed Bunting

Reed Warbler

Sheltering from the rain in the hide

Information board in the hide

This is probably my favourite place to be when I just want time to reflect. I have spent hours here just watching the birds and wildlife while relaxing with a flask of tea. I have seen a Stoat steal eggs from a Coots nest, rolling them into the undergrowth then returning for another until he had emptied the nest. The Coots, plus Oystercatchers and Moorhens were all gathered round making quite a fuss but all in vain. This is also the place I witnessed the Fox in the last post. The main hide has fixed benches and is covered so offers good protection from the elements. There is also a very well illustrated information board so everyone can try and identify the birds they are viewing. Haydn's Pool is within Anderton Nature Reserve also home to the world famous Anderton Boat Lift.
A link to their website here:...


  1. Great spot and some nice bird shots on the video. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. That does look a great place Andrew.
    So good to have a place like this close to home.

  3. that looks a terrific spot andrew, i can understand why you like to spend so much time there.

  4. I came back to have another look. All good stills, but I really like # 2 the Godwits in flight against the river background.Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River.

  5. I agree with Gary, those Godwit flight shots are excellent Andrew.
    Looks like a place to add to my list. :)

  6. I will be visiting Haydn's pool in the spring and summer months to try and film the waders and other birds on the pool probly on a week day morning before the sun comes up or at the end of the day on warm summers night.

    So what month would you say is the busiest on the pool Andrew?

  7. Gary and Keith many thanks for your kind comments. It really is a special place.

    Mike I have seen Reed Warbler and Cuckoo as early as April.Spring and early summer it's a very busy spot.

  8. Nice location for wildlife watching Andrew and with mod cons ... lucky you.

  9. HI Andrew..I had a crazy whirlwind weekend...everything seems to happen at once!!
    So just now getting to visit your blog

    What a beautiful spot!!
    It seem to be a relaxing place for you...we don't have such places here in my state that I am aware of.. that there is there in the UK.
    I know there are nature walks and parks!!

    That is a great photo of the Godwits flying in different direction...did you notice that when you took it or after you had it downloaded!! lol : }}

  10. Hi Grammie, Haydn's Pool is only a couple of miles from my house. I can access it via country lanes, woodland footpaths and even after a stroll along the towpath of our local waterway the Trent & Mersey canal which opened in 1777 a year after the Declaration of Independence. So plenty of history in my town.

    I took loads of images of the Godwits that day. Just lucky a few were in focus.

    Take care Andrew.

  11. Andrew I have never been. I guess I should make the effort.
    Nice images of the Blackwits, when did you take those?


  12. Hi Dave I have just checked and it was June 2009. Where has the time gone. Marbury Country Park and Anderton Nature Reserve are as one all you need is a good pair of legs. A full day out can be had here and just a short stroll from Northwich town centre. The free carpark I use is on Old Warrington Road just past the local tip behind Aldi. Parking charges (the only ones in Northwich) are at Marbury CP and Anderton Boat Lift. A link to the birds seen here:

  13. Great photos, especially the Godwits!
    You're so lucky to have those hides in your reserves in Britain!
