Tuesday 28 December 2010

Very busy in the garden today..............................

Juvenile Blackbird
It has been raining here today and the snow and ice has disappeared with the forecast of much of the same for the next few days. I have had a relaxing day just watching my garden as the feeders have been quite busy. I had a new garden visitor today a male Blackcap but unfortunately his stay was brief and I didn't get a picture. The Goldfinches have been back in numbers and I have also had Blue, Great and Coal Tits, Starlings and a Robin on the feeders. The Blackbirds are still devouring the apples I have been putting out while we had the snow and frost. My garden hoovers the Woodpigeons do their best to eat anything dropped and enjoyed the peanuts I gave them as a treat.


  1. Your Goldfinch is spectacularly colored compared to the version we have in Michigan. You sure have some interesting visitors at your feeders. ;-)WBW

  2. Those Goldfinch with the red flash are spectacular. Glad to hear the snow is over. Boom & Gary.

  3. Hi Andrew..Rain..that sounds good right now as I look out over a 2ft snow drift on my back deck!!
    I have shoveled enough of it of to lay down some seeds for the birds...very windy to!!
    Nice photo's of your birds!!

  4. All three of your photographs are very nice! The Goldfinch is so colorful, I've never seen one.

  5. All three birds you feature today have also been introduced in Australia with the settlers missing the sights and sounds of home and I too have them in my garden. Here in our less harsh climate (at least in winter). bird feeding is discouraged to stop them becoming reliant on handouts.

    A very Happy New Year to you!

    I hope to see some more of your coal- blue- and great-tits in the coming year.

  6. Your Goldfinch is truely a gorgeous bird! Ours here have lots of bright gold colors during breeding season, but it's so nice to see a different one with such a bright face. We are still knee deep in snow here, but with a forecast of rain coming for New Year's Day.
    Happy New Year to you and your family.

  7. I'm not sure what's going on with my feeder- the birds are staying away this week! Glad yours is busy.

  8. Great collection of birds you have there. Wish I could get some action at my feeders like you have.

  9. So you have the garden hoover too lol
    Wood Pigeons are great for that, aren't they Andrew. :)
    Good to see the birds enjoying the food during this recent harsh weather.

  10. LOVE all these birds...Im so in love with that red face of your Goldfinch as I know Ive mentioned before---such a dramatic effect on the visual sense!--Glad your weather has warmed up...we expect a warm up at the end of the week--Im very much looking forward to getting out with my camera if it does!!

  11. Nice photos, particularly the Goldfinch which looks so different, so much more colorful, than ours here. Just what you need to cheer you up on a gray day. I love blackbirds though for their singing. And I guess, there as here you can count on starlings to empty your feeder.

  12. Such lovely visitors and great shots! There are many Black Birds around here too.
    Love your header, it reminds me of my visit to the Kew Gardens last autumn.

  13. I have not seen any goldfinches yet. I wonder where they are. At your place it seems. I like their colors. They are brightening up the dull dys.

  14. Many thanks for all your lovely comments. Please accept my best wishes and I hope you all have a prosperous 2011.

  15. Looks like your feeders have been as busy as ours these last few days. Great shots.

  16. Delightful photos! The little goldfinch is a stunning character!

  17. glad you`ve got water again. how are you doing with the new long lens? i`ve just upgraded from the d5000 to d90 along with sigma 150-500, results so far have been total pants!!
    regards paul (firebrace from birdforum)

  18. Hi Paul, the pics above were taken using the Sigma 120-400 on a tripod. I have yet to try it out using the OS hand held. I think I would have to spend a lot more money on a prime lens to really get the images I see in the magazines and dream of taking. That kind of funding isn't available to me so I will have make do and try to improve my fieldcraft.

  19. Beautiful visitors in your garden!
    I miss the 'normal' little every day birdies *sigh*

  20. Nice images Andrew. Yes we are very lucky to get a beautiful bird such as the Goldfinch visit our gardens

  21. Great shots Andrew, especially that Goldfinch. Beautiful! Isn't it great to be able to sit in our yards and enjoy such pleasure?
