Wednesday 27 October 2010

Fox seen off by a Lapwing.....................................................................

This looks like an interesting place
I might get myself a takeaway
What's on the menu?
You look tasty!
That was close...
Oh no not again!
I've had enough of this........
I'm off...
...out of here!
Haydn's Pool is one of my favourite places to watch the local birds. One afternoon while I was bird watching at the hide this Red Fox appeared. He wandered up and down the waters edge eyeing up all the Geese and Ducks which just moved out into deeper water with no panic whilst keeping a close eye on him. About 30 yards to the right of these pics was a Lapwing chick and the Fox was getting closer and closer. Suddenly one of  the chicks protective parents started to dive bomb the Fox. After four or five very close shaves the Fox decided enough was enough and legged it.
 Lovely wildlife behaviour to witness.

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