Saturday 3 December 2011

A circular walk around Ramsbottom and Summerseat...... a lovely walk

rambles with a camera
the early day's

I am currently sharing my early blog posts that didn't receive any comments.
This was one of my first and it was about a walk I made with my son Craig and his then girlfriend Eleanor... Eleanor is now my daughter in law.
It was a walk we did together shortly after they had moved into a new home in Bury.
I was invited over to share a walk and view the new home with a (lovely) meal thrown in.

Here is this (slightly revised) post.

We had a torrential downpour in Cheshire this morning. I then had a dreadful drive dodging flooded roads and heavy spray on the M56 and M60 Motorways to Bury in Greater Manchester to see my son Craig and his fiancee Eleanor and visit their new home.
The rain had started to ease as I arrived just before noon and after a drive around town to view the sights (or was I lost) we met up and decided to go ahead with a walk as planned.
The "Tilted Vase" sculpture in Ramsbottom.

I had downloaded a couple of routes from the local council website and we decided to drive to Ramsbottom a small town just four miles up the road. Arriving in Rammy (as the locals call it) we managed to park on the main road and walk back up to the Market Place.

We headed right just after the "Tilted Vase" sculpture and up a steep incline to the village of Holcombe passing the church and the Shoulder of Mutton pub we turned right up stone-setted Holcombe Old Road part of the original Bury to Haslingden coach road now a bridleway.

To our right we had good views of Peel Tower a monument to Sir Robert Peel who from 1841-1846 was Prime Minister and also the founder of the Police Force.
The track brought us down to the Hare and Hounds pub and a busy main road.

Eleanor and Craig.
 We crossed over to walk down a mettled road and at its end climbed over a stile to walk over fields then steeply down a slippy path through a wooded valley to cross Holcombe Brook into Robin Road then past some delightful old cottages.
The River Irwell.
Turning left at the main road we walked up to the viaduct at Summerseat turning left up a track and over the top of the railway tunnel.
Following the path alongside the rain swollen River Irwell we eventually (in bright sunshine) walked through Nuttall Park back into Ramsbottom and to the car with the Peel Tower we had passed earlier in the distance.

 After the downpour of the morning the day ended with a blue sky and sunshine.
  My day was topped off with a meal at their new home.
A lovely end to a memorable day.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos especially of Elenore and Craig..I blogged for almost 2 years with no comments..that was almost 5 years ago and I do get some comments now....
