Wednesday 10 June 2015

It's official(ish)............................................... the Robin is now our National Bird

We have had a poll on which bird should represent the UK.

The result has been revealed... and the winner is the Robin.

 A lovely little bird I see every day in my garden... the Robin got a third of the votes.

It's not a Bald Eagle but it's a feisty little bird all the same.
It is the bird I voted for by the way.
The organisers of the vote are now going to ask the government to make it official.

Linking to Saturday's Critters and Wild Bird Wednesday


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Great choice. The darling English Robin should definitely be your National Bird! I love this.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Now we all knew it would be the Robin. Everyone always knows the Robin. It is on Christmas cards and every garden ususual has a Robin. By the way my Dunock brought their off spring into the garden yesterday but I did not have my camera out as I was gardening from 7.00am!! and only saw it when I sat down for a break.

Unknown said...

So cute! That's a great choice.

Julie said...

I'm a new follower to your blog. It's great that the Robin is now our National bird... our pair have nested twice in our garden this year... 1st in our old bbq and 2nd time under the tin roof of our shed. Off to have a look through your blog archive :o)

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

All these years and there wasn't an official bird? You Brits don't like to rush into things do you?

Joyful said...

Wow! I love the robin. Such pretty captures you have shared too.

Adam Jones said...

It wasn't my choice but it's still a good choice I think. It's always a joy to see it trying to dominate my garden.

eileeninmd said...

I am happy it was the cute Robin! Adorable photos! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

Gayle said...

Your photos are a wonderful presentation of the newly declared national bird. Well done.

Liz said...

He certainly is cute!!

Anonymous said...

Great choice. Such a delightful little bird. How lucky you are to have one visit so frequently.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Sweet little bird. I like our robins a lot, they have charm and pluckiness.

But I have to admit yours are prettier.

Aimz said...

very good - I've never see one as we dont' have them here :-)

Hannah said...

Congratulations, the Robin is a really cute little bird, and I love the bright chest color. I don't know who the other contenders were.

Andy said...

Good choice for a National bird.
Great photos too!

Karen said...

Oh well, they are just darn sweet! Fantastic photos!

A Colorful World said...

Oh phooey, I accidentally left my comment on the next post! Sorry.