Friday 31 May 2013

Update on the visiting Racing Pigeon...............................................................

About 4 weeks ago I posted about the Racing/Homing pigeon that had been hanging around Mandys dads garden for a few days.
I thought it would have disappeared after resting up.

Well almost a month later and guess what?.... it's still here!

I had a few comments on the last post advising the fact that if it returned to it's owner it may well have had it's neck rung... and to feed it to encourage it to stay.

 Well that's exactly what we did and it has now taken shelter in the coal shed... free to come and go when it wants... it does have a fly around during the day. 

The word must have spread about the hospitality at Valley Cottage... this Muscovy Duck wandered into the garden from the river just over a week ago... and has also taken residence in the garden.
I hope to take more images over the weekend and will try to capture the "odd couple" together.
Enjoy your weekend.

Linking to Camera Critters and The Bird D'pot


  1. i love them both! glad they have found a good home!

  2. Oh how fun! They both seem very pleased and comfortable. So cute :)

  3. good luck for the pigeon; I guess there was a time it was pretty forlorn, being 'lost'? That Muscovey looks like it's parents were a mixed breed

  4. I guess the pigeon wanted to retire from racing. Looks like he picked a good spot for a retirement home.

  5. ah he seems quite happy in his new home and the duck too!

  6. Wonderful images of pigeon of great clarity.

  7. You have opened a B&B for birds! Mother Nature thanks you! Happy critter day!

  8. Pretty pigeon and the duck is cool looking. Great visitors and photos.

  9. Great shots of your new residents!

  10. The pigeon is a beautiful bird.

  11. I've never seen a homing pigeon (that I know of) and often wondered how much different they looked form the regular pigeons - who can look very different from each other.

  12. What beautiful and interesting new residents you have in your garden! I'm glad they've found a friendly and safe haven.

  13. Love them! Glad they fou d a home :)

  14. Must be the fine hospitality. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  15. I like the birds. good post.

  16. How awesome! I'm glad they both found a good home. Interesting duck, I've never seen one colored that way. Great photos Andrew!
