Monday 1 April 2013

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker........................................ Moore Nature Reserve

We visited Moore NR on Saturday hoping to catch a glimpse of a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker.
 LSW's are the most elusive of the three woodpecker species we see in the UK.

This little Robin was singing his heart out in the sunshine.

Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major).
We walked down to the feeding station and it wasn't long before we saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker...
...not our target bird but lovely to see all the same.

Going back to the lane we decided to hang around for a while to try and catch sight of a LSW.
We found a small bench to rest on for a while... and there it was right in front of us high up feeding.

  Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor).

...a heavily cropped image.

We watched the bird for a good five minutes and I managed quite a few record shots.
This was only the second time I have seen a LSW and my first male (the female doesn't have the red crown).

Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers are only the size of a House Sparrow.
I have added this last image so you can see how far away it was... 
...the image above is uncropped and taken using a 150-500mm lens at full zoom.


  1. reminds me a bit of our little downy woodpecker. glad you got to see him!

  2. I'm wondering the same thing as Tex -- is the LSW the same as our downy?

  3. That little orange robin must be one of the prettiest birds I have ever seen. And you have captured him happily singing:) Great shot!

  4. Your robin singing is just adorable. And I love the woodpeckers, great sightings and photos.

  5. looks to be a great location and weather o.k. to do it. I know you've been having such frightful conditions of late. Loving the singing robin and your woodpecker photographs. Drew .. that camera and lens you're toting about is no little point and shoot anymore. Wow, I'm impressed. I'd have a good hour of camera-talk if I was close to something like that!

  6. The shot of the robin is fantastic! Very colorful woodpeckers, too!

  7. Great sighting of the LSW and really good that you were able to get photos but the Robin at the beginning of the post is absolutely fantastic!

  8. Great colorful photo of the birds!

  9. How lucky you were to spot your LSW Andrew although I have to say the little Robin stole my heart today!

  10. A fantastic robin shot!
    Both of the woodpeckers remind me of our Downys.
    Looking at those tree branches those woodpeckers have really been busy. :)
    Great shots Andrew!

  11. Great photos, lovely to study!

  12. How great was that? You sat down and there was your target bird waiting for you. That's what I'd call good bird karma! Love him ... and the other birds. I can almost hear the robin chirping...such a perfect moment to get his portrait.

  13. Some marvelous images. Woodpeckers are not easy to photograph being that they're on the 'move' continually. Beautiful!!!

    AND!!!!! Your post below with your so precious. Your images are priceless.

  14. Brilliant Andrew and what a lovely walk you took us on today. Loved those bird sightings.

  15. Cute robin, the woody looks similar to our downies.

  16. Nice picture of the Robin. Enjoy the coming spring.

  17. I love that shot of the robin.

  18. Congrats on your first male LSW! And thank you for sharing the captures!! Love the one of he robin singing his heart out, too :)

  19. Glad you got pictures of this little fellow, a real beauty, and I agree with T. looks a lot like our downy woodpecker this side of the pond.

  20. Nice work on remaining patient enough to capture the images! Very nice post!

  21. i wonder if the woodpecker on a whole is becoming popular, i write an angling blog and spend a lot of time on the bank and i do not ever record hearing as many woodpeckers as i have this year.

  22. Great little bird - I only saw these twice in the UK - I could not get over how small they were! Even though I knew they were the "size of sparrow" it was still a shock!

    Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW- Stewart M - Melbourne

  23. Dzięcioły są śliczne, ale śpiewający rudzik jest cudny. Pozdrawiam.
    Woodpeckers are beautiful, but the singing is lovely robin. Yours.

  24. Lovely shots. The one on top is fantastic!
