Thursday 11 April 2013

Feeding the birds.................................................................... ended in chaos!

We were down by the jetty at the weekend feeding the ducks.

 It wasn't long before the gulls began circling...

... they don't miss a trick...

...and they were soon diving in to grab what they could. 

much to the dismay of the ducks.
We did make sure the ducks got their fair share.

Linking to Skywatch Friday , Camera Critters , The Bird D'pot and Weekly Top Shot


  1. Anywhere you have gulls, there is the potential for chaos...
    But you got some wonderful action shots!!!

  2. Ooo I really love your bird pictures. They're great!

  3. Nice skies and lovely flight photos!

  4. These guys are way way too greedy for the poor ducks. Man, are they quick! Great captures. genie

  5. Uhoh! Gulls are smart and greedy and opportunistic. Beautiful flight shots!

  6. Wonderful action captures Andrew, especially that first one - you've caught the wing and tail feather details beautifully! (and I just love the welcoming Robin in your header.) Happy weekend.

  7. You have to feed the Gulls, even they get hungry, beautiful images Andrew.

  8. It doesn't take long for those gulls to get in on the action. Super photos Andrew.

  9. Fantastic sky shots with amazing actions of the sea gulls ~ Wonderful! for Sky Watch ^_^

  10. Fantastic shots of the gulls in action! They do know how to barge in on a meal. Love your shot of the single tree in the field with clouds.

  11. You must have incredible patience to capture these amazing birds at just the right time. I like them A LOT. I especially love the last one.

  12. Love the gull photos! Very nice quality. They are opportunistic!
    Good post!

  13. Talk about thieving magpies, gulls can be even worse although yours are very beautiful in their white with black plumage. Nice of you to make sure the ducks got a feed as well.

  14. survival of the fittest; or is it the greediest? Great shots 'Drew

  15. Fantastic flight shots, Andrew! Well done!

  16. Glad to see that you're looking after the Gulls as well Andrew!! Great flight shots...[;o)

  17. Absolutely brilliant photos! I can't choose a favorite, they're all wonderful! I can just imagine how dismayed the poor ducks were, and am glad you made sure they didn't get cheated out of their treats. :-)

  18. My fave is the one of the single gull in flight!
    Beth @ Life On Devils Hollow

  19. i love the swooping in shot, Andrew. nice!! ( :

  20. I really lked the third picture the best. From Findlay

  21. It's amazing the commotion the gulls create when they know there are freebies being handed out. Hope the ducks got their share before the seagulls showed up.

    Great action images Andrew

  22. You're a man after my own heart! Gorgeous shots of those gulls. They are wily!

  23. Inevitable, I would say! :-) Great shots and sequence too.
