Wednesday 20 March 2013

My recent garden visitors................................................. a couple of newbies

The Siskins were the 36th bird species I have seen in or over my garden during the 9 years I have lived here.

I was delighted to see them and fingers crossed I will see more soon.

My log feeder has also had a new visitor.
A male House Sparrow became the 7th bird species to feed on it.

He was enjoying it so much he was shouting to all his mates.

Robin has taken a shine to the new feeders...

 This solitary Starling has been hanging around for a couple of weeks now.

 Lovely birds to see up close.

A quick update on my knees... I had an appointment this morning with the physiotherapist and she was so delighted with my progress she doesn't need to see me again. I have to keep up the exercises to build up muscle strength but she trusts me to keep it up (and I will).

My knees are still pretty painful and I do stiffen up if I sit down for any length of time.
 Being back at work in a sitting down job isn't ideal but they don't mind me going off for a wander about every time I feel that I need to... I just hope the pain eases a bit sooner rather than later.

Rurality Blog Spot


  1. Great capture of the sparrow with beak wide open. Good to read your knees are coming along nicely. Did you inquire about the knee supports?

  2. Very nice birds and pictures.

  3. congrats on the good report card! awesome!

    loved all of these shots. beautiful job.

  4. The feeders are doing well. And your legs, the doctor doesn't want to see you again.

  5. gosh, i know my knees are getting older ... than what they use to be that is for sure. keep up the good repair on them.

    nice birdie pics.

    happy spring!!! ( :

  6. Beautiful birds, and I'm sure you'll have more visitors as the spring comes along. Enjoy your week.

  7. enjoyed your happy birds Drew and good to hear of your progress; well done

  8. Wow! Fantastic photos of natures' darlings ~ Lovely ^_^

  9. Miłych gości miałeś w karmniku, a wśród nich mojego ulubieńca rudzika. Pozdrawiam.
    Dear guests had to karmniku, among them my favorite Robin. Yours.

  10. Amazing captures. third one A LOT!

  11. How exciting to have a new visitor. Haven't had Pine Siskins yet at mine, but hopefully some day!

  12. I'm always learning with your posts, thanks for these lovely set of images!They are adorable birds!

  13. Love all the bird photos.

  14. It's wonderful Andrew.
    I'm glad your knee ....
    Beautiful weekend.

  15. lucky you to get siskins in your garden - my garden birds seem to be slowly coming back in - getting some trees planted soon so hopefully that will help

  16. This starling looks like he is in bad mood...looks awfully stern yet so pretty. Love all the little white spots. So glad to hear your knees are continuing to improve. I have always heard doing the PT exercises is the key to a good recovery. Sounds like you have it all in good order. genie

  17. Love ALL the birds!! The starling's marking is so pretty...
    And thank you for the update on your knees too - great to hear your physiotherapist is pleased!!!

  18. Huh, I thought the siskins finches.
