Sunday 31 March 2013

Arthur's first Easter..........................................................................................

 My grandson Arthur came to visit this weekend.
A very proud Grandrew.

I gave Arthur three of these little chocolate bunnies... he will take a long time to eat/suck them all.

 A little suck of the ears...

 ...and he nodded his approval.

"Surprise surprise!" Arthur likes chocolate.

Great Granny passing on some of her wisdom... I hope he takes heed.
We all had a lovely afternoon... Happy Easter.


  1. what a wonderful Easter you had. I love that last photo, priceless memories, as is the one of Grandrew and Arthur..

  2. HI "Proud Grandrew" : )...How very special to have time with family, especially having little Arthur, and Great Granny present !!
    It certainly looks like he likes his chocolate!! So cute!!
    Wonderful memories being made! Enjoy time goes so by quickly!!
    Happy Easter!!

  3. Congrats Grandpa! He's beautiful!

  4. that sweet little face! nice to see your mum! :)

  5. Beautiful pictures Andrew! You have a beautiful grandson.
    I love the picture of you with him and of the nanny, gorgeous pictures!
    Happy Easter!
    Louise, Canada

  6. Three of the bunnies I didn't even touch today? Lol, did he end up being a bit greenish? :-)

    Very sweet, no wonder you are proud. The shot with Great Granny is marvellous.

  7. Andrew, these are very beautiful pictures. You have a beautiful grandson.

  8. a sweet post with your little charmer

  9. Nice one Andrew, I like Grandew, funny.

  10. Arthur is sure turning into a healthy lod.I had some easter eggs but nothing as nice as Aurthurs,

  11. What an absolute cutie! It looks like you all had a wonderful time. :-)

  12. Awww...he's so chubby..:)
    Happy Easter..!

    Android Developer

  13. Oh my gosh he's adorable Andrew, and I do like to see that you've introduced him to the necessities of life at an early age :) J'adore the shot with Arthur and Granny, bliss!

  14. Perfect Easter! You might have to have chocolate available every time Arthur comes to visit though ;>)! He's so sweet and it's lovely to have the photos of him with you and with his great-granny! What a lucky little guy he is to have you both in his family. (And needless to say, you are more than lucky to have him!)

  15. He's an adorable baby Andrew. Sweet pictures indeed :)

  16. I can see why you'd be so proud - he is a hunk of love!! He has the same expression as the shot when he was in his elf costume. Very serious...adorable :) And the one with Granny is absolutely beautiful.

  17. i love the great granny picture. too cute!! aww, love it! ( :

    what a precious holiday & time with your family. so sweet.
