Wednesday 12 September 2012

Cormorants..................................................................... on the River Weaver

During my boat trip along the River Weaver at the weekend I saw more cormorants than any other species.

Every few minutes one or two would fly past us... and we were soon to see quite a few more.

As we reached Saltersford Locks the original route of the river branches off to the left... 
...and there were lot's of them sat up in a tree.

I counted over twenty... these images were the best I could manage as we couldn't get the boat any closer.

I did get some good views of them through my binoculars though... lovely birds to watch.


  1. i have always liked how they cluster together in their perching. :)

  2. They are really cool. I've never seen them perch in a tree before. I've only seen them in water.

  3. There must be a lot of fish to eat in the river. Great photos, love how they stick together.

  4. the boat journey along the Weaver sounds very relaxing and you did still get some lovely shots. I like the cormorants too.

  5. Bet there aren't many fish under the tree though

  6. We've had a young cormorant perching on the bridge over our boat club at sutton weaver for a few weeks now. He's a bit unsure of himself, and quite comical as he dries his wings! Beautiful birds with vivid green eyes.

  7. On the Oregon Coast, the trees where they perch like that are dying from too much "white stuff." I don't notice that in Florida -- maybe they have more room to disperse or something.

  8. Hi Andrew...Some people think they are a ugly looking bird, but I really like them!
    They remind me of ancient times : }
    Nice day..must be a fun thing to do!
    I like the one with all the birds in the golden tree light!!

  9. Such fun birds to see around the waterways. I especially like them in flight.

  10. What a wonderful journey you must have had on the boat. And, lovely shots of these majestic birds.

  11. That's the picture I was waiting for. Looks like a great boat trip. From Findlay

  12. It's always good to see these birds around our waterways Andrew. It shows that the water is healthy and the fish stocks are good! (not friends of the local fishermen though!!)

    Sounds like you had a pleasant cruise along the river...[;o)

  13. I've never seen that many roosting together. Love the flight shot!

  14. Lovely pictures Andrew. Up here in Galloway, we have the slightly smaller Shag in abundance around the coast. Lovely to watch as they spread their wings to sunbathe.

  15. Beautiful photos Andrew, have enjoyed joyride ...

  16. Wonderful photos Andrew, the Cormorants look great balancing on the tree like that. Looks like a scenen from an exotic wildlife documentary.

  17. it's always so nice to watch them:)

  18. Great pictures, and nice views from the river. The one in flight is very good.

  19. A pleasant series of photos of your trip.
