Saturday, 21 April 2012

My trees are starting to leaf...........................................................................

I was working this morning... these images were taken on my way home.

 I work in the city of Manchester but have a lovely countryside commute for 20 out of the 25 miles I travel.
Cheshire is a flat county so I get to see some fantastic "big" skies.

My favourite part of the journey is around the halfway point.

At the junction of a busy main road I have to cross is this rookery.
The birds have been so active recently... renovating their nests and breeding.
I spent a while this afternoon... taking pics and video... hopefully there will be something worth sharing.

A bit slower to leaf... the tree that produced the most post comments ever on my little blog.
It's progress will be followed.

 This is in the neighboring field... it's actually two trees... one behind the other.

My car was parked by the hedge on the right... it's next to a farmyard.
As I crossed the stile the farmer was preparing to walk (run) his flock along the lane to another field.

His wife was guarding the lane next to my car to stop them taking the wrong route.

They came down the lane in a right charge.

 Tally Ho!... it was great to see.

  I was surrounded for a few seconds as they ran up the lane.

 A hundred yards further along they were diverted left into a field.

I often have to stop for cattle crossing as I travel to work... this was the first time for sheep.
Fingers crossed for decent pics of the roosting rooks.


Revrunner said...

I always enjoy a good charge even if it is from a "lamb" brigade. :-)

Unknown said...

Lovely set of shots, Andrew!

holdingmoments said...

Lovely views of your area Andrew.
Love seeing the sheep taking over the roads for a while.

wildaboutwales said...

the great oaks are A bit more advanced than ours here in Mid Wales. those lambs look almost ready for the b b q. mind you mum looks like she needs to change the toilet paper.

ShySongbird said...

Lovely scenes from your journey home Andrew. I remember when I was little, on market day the cows were walked down our road and often used to veer into the residents gardens, we children thought it was great fun...our parents didn't!!

The leaves seem to have been a long time coming this year, I think because we had that wonderful warm spell which made it seem later in the Spring than it really was.

TexWisGirl said...

too cute on the herd of sheep. i do love that tree. feel free to feature it as often as you like.


Bob Bushell said...

Lovely break from Manchester, and I don't mind if you show us the lovely area full of trees and the sheep, baa.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Ah yes, I immediately recognized that tree and look forward to watch it leaf out. Love those sheep in the road!

Anonymous said...

Okay, this has to be my favorite post, love the sheep.. and the tree, but definitly the sheep!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and i was one of the comments on that tree, it is fantastic. but now the sheep have over come and they are really really fantastic. wish i could have seen them.

jeanlivingsimple said...

Love the views,love the tree,love the sheep, and love this post!

Michelle said...

Love seeing the trees and the rookery, but those sheep! How wonderful!

Carole M. said...

…sounds like the perfect commute, escaping to the country verges after a day on the job. It's a lovely feeling to reach home turf at anytime isn't it just? Such a wonderful scene in your first photograph. What bird specie for the rookery I wonder? Love the lone tree (again is good), and I look forward to seeing it in leaf too. I was amazed to see you write Tally Ho, my Dad used that saying, but did you also know that there were cigarette papers with that name? Well they were here at least, I remember, since my Dad used to roll his own.

Brian King said...

I had to laugh at the sheep! That's pretty awesome! Definitely not something we see here. Gorgeous clouds in your scenic shots, Andrew, and I love the lone tree in the fourth photo!

grammie g said...

HI Andrew... Love this post...from gorgeous greens and blues and gorgeous surrounding to dirty sheep butts...your aim to please all your readers huh!!
I do love the sheep coming up the road..not a site I have seen here though!! ; }
Your lone tree is a of those lovely in all seasons trees!!

Anonymous said...

What amazing countryside! And lovely shots of the sheep. Such a peaceful rural scene.

cieldequimper said...

The trees will all be green before you know it and look at all those running jumpers! :-)

Sallie ( said...

WOW! I never had this neat of a commute. Love these peaceful beautiful pictures. (We did used to see sheep being moved when we were kids in Eastern Washington -- too long ago to count the years!)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gorgeous set of images Andrew, so very 'English countryside'!Look at all those scruffy 'dags' in the last two shots haha!!

Susan said...

Oh Andrew, I love your countryside, and the sheep being herded to another field. It's only something I've seen in the movies. How awesome this post is! Oh and the tree, wow!